"ensuring a safe environment and practices for children and vulnerable adults"
Contact: Clinton Shearer email: [email protected] |
for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Mark 10.14 It is hard to think of a more basic and important task in the Church than the safeguarding and nurturing of children. This National Child Protection Week (1 to 7 September 2024) reminds us that we all play a part in keeping children and young people safe wherever they live and learn. |
Please click here for our Diocesan Safeguarding Policy and the following Safeguarding Resources:
‘Putting children first’ was front of mind when the National Child Protection Week campaign was launched in 1990, with the aim of bringing abuse and neglect out of the shadows and putting child wellbeing on the national agenda.
Since then, the need to put children first has been recognised time and time again as an important pillar for boosting the wellbeing of all children in Australia.
Under this year’s theme of ‘Putting children first’ all Australians are invited to look at how they can prioritise children in their lives and communities and to engage in National Child Protection Week – as individuals, and as part of families, organisations, communities and society.
Putting children first means prioritising the safety and wellbeing of children. To grow up well children need to feel safe and loved, have a chance to play and explore, have a say in decisions that affect them, and access to essential things like food, shelter and healthcare.
Catholic Social Teachings reinforces human dignity and emphasises that every human being is created in God’s image and likeness. Consequently, every person is valuable and worthy of respect. Everyone in the Church must ensure that the fundamental rights of all people, especially children and the vulnerable are respected.
As one of the ways this is enacted in the Parish is the appointment of a Safeguarding Officer to work with Father Michael and Parish staff and volunteers to foster a strong culture of safeguarding. As the newly appointed Safeguarding Officer for the Parish, I look forward to working with you all in the continued development of a safe and welcoming environment that ensures everyone who engages with the Parish feels safe and is safe.
Ann Marie Pawsey
Parish Safeguarding Officer, St Patrick’s Cathedral.
email: [email protected]